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Reading Glasses on Book


Who I am

I'm A.K. Cromwell, a reader, a dreamer, a writer, and (most importantly) daughter of the One True King. I'm someone who has seen but a glimpse of the heartache in the world, and I'm someone who has seen a glimpse of the peace in it.


I'm a reader: I love the written word. I lose myself everyday in words penned by authors long (or not so long) ago. I delve into stories. It is part of me.


I'm a dreamer: I close my eyes and worlds appear. I think of the might-have-been, the if-only, the what-if, and I smile.


I'm a writer: I want to keep giving the gift of reading to future generations. I have cried over my characters, and I still cry over what they are going through, but in the end, I hope to give them peace.


I'm a daughter of the One True king: He is my hope. He is my Savior. He loved me while I hated Him, and He left the ninety-nine to find His lost sheep. I may stumble and fall, but I know that He will never leave me or forsake me. He will carry His work on to completion, and I look forward with joy to when I am with Him in paradise.


That is who I am. What is this?


This is the Rainy Day Writer, a blog devoted to snippets (that may or may not make a series), book reviews, and writing thoughts. You can expect new posts every Tuesday, with occasional posts on Thursdays. If you like my content, you can subscribe to my newsletter to receive bi-weekly updates from the blog (not to mention writing tips!).



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