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I remember (part one)

So, recently, I've been going through a book called The Writer's Workshop. It's very interesting, and I've been enjoying using the writing exercises.

I was playing around with descriptions with this snippet. I'm excited for when I post part two. I hope you enjoy!

I remember seeing her, that day.

The tears trickled down her cheeks, streaking her faces in pale light lines. Her eyes were red from crying, and her shoulders shook with silent sobs as she gasped for breath—for relief from this pain—

I remember her like she was before.

Her cheeks, flushed bright red in the hot sun. Her hair, wispy, with flyaways dancing about her face. Her grin, that smile that always made me happy to see. Her feet, light as a feather as she danced far into the night, as she danced to the music, as she danced in a way that made her look like a fairy, with her long hair flowing and the wreath of flowers that crowned her brow.

But that was a not who she was now.

Now, her heart was broken.

Now, her dreams were crushed.

Now, her smile faded even as the music played onward.

What could I do to bring her back?

I knew in my heart what needed to be done.

Yet I hesitated still, for the plan would break her before it would heal her.

And I did not want to break her again, that day.

For I gazed into a mirror.

Until next time,

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